Arizona Waterfowl and Winter Birds


Trip Dates: December 9 - 13, 2024
Fee: $2800 - does not include airfare, hotels, or meals

Deposit: $800 to be applied to the final balance, leaving $2000 due on September, 2024 

From: Gilbert, Arizona

Leaders: John Crawley, Matthew Studebaker

Target Group Size: 4 - 6 photographers

Arizona Winter Birds Deposit

Southern Arizona is a magnet for wintering birds of all varieties. Especially notable are the number and diversity of waterfowl species which become accustomed to people in the great Phoenix area’s parks and preserves. Many other water-loving birds flock to the area during winter month as well. Land birds also present some wonderful and unique photographic opportunities with an array of charismatic species as well as species found only in a small corner of the United States like Costa’s Hummingbird and Gila Woodpecker.

The above gallery showcases a few images made by Matthew Studebaker and John Crawley at the locations we will be visiting. John, who lives in the area, offers intimate local knowledge of the species and locations.

Flights: Fly to Pheonix, Arizona

Likely Species on the trip. Species in bold will be the easiest/most common -

  • Northern Pintail

  • Wood Duck

  • Gadwall

  • Ruddy Duck

  • Northern Shoveler

  • Green-winged Teal

  • Cinnamon Teal

  • Redhead

  • Canasback

  • American Wigeon

  • Mallard

  • Ring-necked Duck

  • Gambel’s Quail

  • Pied-billed Grebe

  • Anna’s Hummingbird

  • Costa’s Hummingbird

  • Black-necked Stilt

  • American Avocet

  • Long-billed Dowitcher

  • American White Pelican

  • Snowy Egret

  • Black-crowned Night Heron

  • Gila Woodpecker

  • Verdin

  • Vermilion Flycatcher

  • Black-throated Sparrow

  • Abert’s Tohee

What to pack

  • Boots: Typical hiking boots are a great way to go, and probably slightly better than sneakers in case we get into a little mud or gravel, though this trip should not really involve much hiking or difficult walking

  • Pants: Long, water resistant pants are useful.

  • Shirt: Nothing white or brightly colored.

  • Jacket: Daytime temperatures will typically reach the 60s and 70s, but the nights are cool; usually the forties and fifties.

  • Hat and Sun Protection: A baseball cap and sunscreen

Camera Gear. Many of the photos we are seeking on this trip will be taken with your longest lens, especially for land birds. After your crop factor and tele-extenders, you should have at least 600mm. I highly recommend a tripod. People who don’t use tripods quickly swing their lenses around and scare the birds. We will also frequently try flight photography with waterfowl. Medium length telephotos should be more than adequate for this.

Cell Phones and Internet: The hotels all have wifi. We should also have phone reception 99% of the time in the field.

Weather and Schedule:
We will use as much photograph-able light as we can each day, shooting sunrise through to sunset with a possible mid day break if the light gets too harsh around lunch.
Sunrise 7:30 a.m.
Sunset 5:30 p.m.

Transportation: There will be some driving during this trip in order to gain access different metro parks and preserves in the area. Ask about carpooling or riding with me if you like. High clearance is not required.

More information to be provided about where to stay upon signing up for the trip. Hotel costs are not included in the photo tour fee.

Meals: This trip takes place near civilization so we'll have plenty of restaurant options. Have breakfast on your own.

Learning / Slideshows:
This trip is about maximizing field time rather than doing much classroom work. I will, however, go over field ID tips, basic shooting strategies, and do a little post-processing while we wait for meals at lunch or dinner.

Our job is to know the area, do many hours of research, know and be able to ID the birds instantly both by sight and sound, and understand their habitat and behaviors, drive you to the most productive areas at the right time of day, be prepared to attract the birds or assist the group in stalking them, advise on how to make the most of each photo opp, ensure that everyone has their physical needs met, and ensure that everyone gets the most and highest quality images in the time we have.

Your job is to communicate your needs and have fun. I want to emphasize that each of you please communicate and keep me aware of your needs.

Physical Requirements:
This will be an easy trip. Getting super low angles can cramp the neck unless you use your articulating screen on your camera back, but feel free to choose the shooting angle of your choice. There won’t be much hiking or walking on this trip.

Cancellation Policy: Participant will receive a full refund of their deposit minus a $250 re-listing fee if we are able to fill the cancelled space. If we are unable to fill the cancelled space, we cannot issue a refund or credit of any kind.